VLC developer explains how to turn your beloved Steam Deck into a modern television

Install tevolution on a Steam Deck

english / français


  1. Open the Steam menu
  2. Select “Switch to Desktop”
  3. Open your web browser (Firefox)
  4. Type “omega.gg” and press enter
  5. Click on “tevolution”
  6. Click on “Get tevolution”
  7. Click on “Download”
  8. Open the Dolphin file browser
  9. Click on “Downloads”
  10. Right click on “tevolution.tar.gz”
  11. Navigate to “Extract > Extract archive here”
  12. Open the “tevolution” folder
  13. Double click on the “tevolution” file
  14. Click on “Execute”

Congratulation, tevolution should now be running on your desktop.


  1. Grab your Android smartphone
  2. Scan the VideoTag on tevolution (video QR code)
  3. Click on the Monkey head
  4. Click on “Download”
  5. Install MotionMonkey from the PlayStore
  6. Open MotionMonkey
  7. Click on the “camera” button
  8. Scan the tevolution VideoTag (video QR code)
  9. tevolution background should turn into colors

Congratulations, you are now ready to play videos.

Add tevolution to the Steam launcher

  1. Run Steam in desktop mode
  2. In the “Library” tab click on “ADD A GAME”
  3. Click on “Add a Non-Steam Game…”
  4. Click on “BROWSE…”
  5. Navigate to the tevolution folder
  6. Change the “File type” to “All Files”
  7. Select tevolution
  8. Click on “OPEN”

Congratulations, you are now ready to run tevolution from the Steam launcher.


  • Make sure tevolution and MotionMonkey are running on the same local network